This page contains pictures of gliders as sent in by friends and fellow Soaring Pilots around the world.  If you would like your glider and comments posted, send me an e-mail with an image attached and your comments.  If you want, I can also scan pictures and return them to you.  The scanned images are much higher quality than I post on the web due to space and download time limitations.  If I scan your images, I'll send you the high quality original too.

These images are from  Geoff Soper of the Canterbury Gliding Club in Christchurch New Zealand.

at 10,000' heading towards Mt Cook

Mt Cook is at 12,300'

Mike Oakley in his Nimbus ZK-GKV completing his 1000km just before sunset.

A finish at Omarama

James Locke sent in this contribution.  "Here's a photo of my Libelle.  It is serial number 158, and is a 201B model, manufactured in 1970.  Probably the best thing about it is that it's still in original condition (interior, panel, etc.).  Most Libelle's have undergone several owner modifications, etc."

jl98libelle-n254xa.jpg (5709 bytes)

These pictures are from Pete Brown who lives in Alaska.  The captions are his words:

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Landout in the Black Rock desert, northwest Nevada.
pb-1-23Ga.jpg (4674 bytes)
Soaring in Alaska....An SGS 1-23G at Birchwood, Alaska.

Tom Rent from Minnesota sent in this contribution.  "I recently bought this SGS 1-35c, sn 87, as my first private ship.  It has only 320 hours on it and is almost in factory-fresh condition.  I look forward to many seasons of recreational flying in it over the beautiful state of Minnesota."

tr-s135ca.jpg (5763 bytes)

Jim Kellett sent in this contribution:  "Here's a couple of shots of Cirrus No. 67 (take your pick!) This is one of the 21 Cirruses still flying in North America.  It was built in 1969, and is how based at Skyline Soaring Club <http//> at New Market, Virginia.  The Cirrus is a classic example of a "Classic" sailplane according to the Vintage Sailplane Association (e.g., more than 25 years old).  It was designed by the famous Klaus Holighaus, and is the first all fibreglass ship produced by Schempp-Hirth.  Cirrus No. 23 won the US Nationals in 1970, flown by George Moffatt, and "stars" (along with Cirruses No. 4 and 55) in the wonderful soaring movie "The Sunship Game"."

jk-landing97a.jpg (5037 bytes) jk-landinga.jpg (4073 bytes)

Doug Turner of Juniper Hills, Calif sent in this contribution: "Here is a photo of my newly acquired 1978 Pik 20D.  It had spent most of its life in a trailer and had a mere 294 hours on it when I got it 8 weeks ago.  (I have logged over 30 hours already) It handles nicely and doesn't have any bad flight characteristics. I plan on doing a lot of straight out cross countries with it next summer."

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Mike Glatiotis, who has many pictures on the Soaring Photos Page sent this picture from Canada.  "Local legend, Dick Mamini (first to cross the Canadian Rockies, 27 yrs ago) in his ASW 12, over the Cairn at Centre Peak, marking the heart of the range which gives rise to the Cowley Wave."

mg-Maminia.jpg (5413 bytes)

Don Golden of Houston Texas sent in this contribution.  "I took this photo at the 1997 World Competition in St Auban.  Unfortunately, I do not know the pilot's name.

dg-wt1-6448a.jpg (4832 bytes)

Arthur Zards sent in this contribution.  "Hi, I enjoy your site for the glider pictures make great backgrounds on my pc, I thought you might want a picture of a new Katana Extreme motorglider.  I currently am training on this glider and I've been having some fun. With a  28:1 glide ratio it's not too shabby. Best part of the thrill is flying up to 4K feet and just shutting the engine off, not too many people can do that and live!

az-keplanea.jpg (6274 bytes)

"Hi My Name is Sean De Klerk.  This is my glider, Cirrus 75, If anybody has comments on it's performance and so on please E mail Me."

sdk-CIRRUSF2a.jpg (5225 bytes)

I need your help with this one... I lost the message from the person who sent this in.   I have saved the picture but somehow not the message.  It's a K8b from somewhere in the US.

k8xea.jpg (7461 bytes)

This page was updated Monday, June 14, 2004.

©98,99,2000&01 Dale Taylor,, contact via email.