Ward Hindman and his HP-14T N22DJ |
Dave Norwood warming up the Ag-cat. |
Ward jumps ahead with the first launch of the day. |
The Ag-Cat gets things rolling in a hurry! |
Chuck and Walt Griffen get the ASW-24 "99" ready. |
Chuck's ready to roll w/Dick Horn running his wing. |
Now it's Dick Horn's turn to fly in his Discus "GE". |
There goes "GE" for a picture perfect take-off. |
Gunter Pawski in his LS6 "K3" is next up. |
Tony Gaechter's next in his LS4 "MN". |
With a few planes still left to fly, the gear's piling up. |
Dave doing a rope drop and landing, see the next 2 planes ready to roll. |
Dave between tows waiting for me to get things connected. |
Marc Emley in a Pilatus B-4. Daughter Kristen runs the wing with help from Lee
Steorts. |
Don Cunningham in his ASW-20C "37" climbs in for a long flight. |
Rolf Peterson takes off last... but he landed last so it's all even? |
That's all the planes that flew the day I was there to take
pictures... |
Dale Thompson and David Rhodes show up and put together their 1-35 "U4" but
don't get to fly today. |
Many hours later they start showing back up at the airport.
No land-outs on this day. Tony Gaechter got both a 300k and a 10k vertical
task. |
Tony Gaechter ties down "MN" for the night. |
Gunter packs his glider up for the night. Don Cunningham does too in the background. |
Rolf makes a beautiful landing late in the day |
The runway's hiding behind those bushes... I promise. |
The Ag-Cat tucked away for the day shows just where we are. |