These are pictures sent by my friend Mike Glatiotis in Calgary Alberta
Canada. His new ship is a modified HP 18 CF ETQ
These pictures are also courtesy Mike
Glatiotis, President of the Cu Nim Gliding Club in Calgary Alberta Canada.
An incredible shot of the instrument panel in Mike's Standard Cirrus.
Look carefully, he's at 24,000+! |
Here's Mike's Standard Cirrus he calls "Jolley Miller". |
A homebuild K5 (Pic wings, home built fusealage, Jantar tail) High over
Cowley AB in the Livingstone Wave. |
The Columbia Icefields north of Golden, British Columbia. One of the
most spectatular and rugged soaring sites in the world. |
The main range running south from Golden B.C., essentially unbroken for
more than 250 kilometers. |
Stacked leticulars over Cowley, Alberta. The Livingstone wave.
15000' to 25000' |
An example of the view out the canopy at 24,000'. |
Thanks Mike for these pics, they are no doubt
some of the best on the net! |
This page was updated Monday, June 14, 2004. |